The True Meaning of the Cross: Part 2

During Easter week, it is easy to become so caught up in the holiday itself that we miss its great significance. 

Easter forever changed the world because of Jesus’ victory over death. He died on a cross only to rise three days later to prove He is who He says He is – the Savior of the world. That glorious act that we now celebrate at Easter opened the way for anyone who places their faith in Jesus, regardless of who you are or where you’re from, to celebrate:

  • Forgiveness of all sins
  • Right standing with God 
  • Undeserved privilege
  • Purpose 
  • Wholeness 
  • Personal relationship with our Creator now
  • Eternal life when we die
  • Plus many more than I could list in a blog!

But these wonderful benefits came at a cost. 

“God paid a ransom to save us… And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

If you were the only human being on earth, Jesus would have died on the cross, just for you

Why is His death on a cross important?

Prior to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, animal sacrifices were necessary to bring atonement, or in other words, make people right with God.  

When a person sinned, he was required to obtain the very best lamb he could find, one without spot or blemish or defect, to bring to the priest at the temple. 

That person, in the presence of the priest, would then lay both hands on the animal and confess the sin – transferring the sinner’s sin to the animal. In turn, the priest would hand the sinner a knife, and the sinner would kill the lamb to bring atonement for his sin.

Such an act seems gory.

Why did blood have to be shed?

God is holy. He is robed in majesty, splendor, and righteousness and cannot be in the presence of sin. So, for us to be right with Him, God provided a way through the shedding of blood. This required act was foreshadowing the Lamb of God, Jesus, who was to come and give His life through the shedding of His own blood.

“…for the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” Leviticus 17:11 

So today, because of our faith in Jesus, we don’t have to go into our backyard, kill an animal, drain the blood, and offer it back to the Lord as a sacrifice for our sin. We have a Savior who paid the price for our sin. 

“People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed His life,
shedding His blood.”
Romans 3:25 (NLT)

God doesn’t just love you when you’re the best version of yourself. He loves you when you are at your worst.

“When He was hung on the cross,
He took upon Himself the curse for our wrongdoing.”
Galatians 3:13 (NLT)

Jesus offers His hand from the cross. He loves you so much. If you haven’t already, put your hand of faith in His. He’ll walk us not only through the remainder of our time on earth, but through the gates of heaven as well. 

Now that’s worth celebrating.

The True Meaning of the Cross, Part ONE

Women and Comparisons



Wednesday, April 14, 2021

12:00PM – 12:35PM EST

Learning to Pray Proactively

12:00-12:45PM | ZOOM

Author: Tara