5 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

It’s no secret that marriage is hard. Yet, when women understand and apply God’s basic principles to marriage, the atmosphere at home improves and the relationship is strengthened.

According to God’s Word:

  1. She provides companionship.

Genesis 2:18 says, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for Him.”

Ephesians 5:31 says, “…a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will be one flesh.”

You were created to be your husband’s companion. To be his friend (and lover). To enjoy each other’s company. Is your husband lonely? Do you engage with him on topics that might be boring to you? Be intentional about being his friend and companion.

  1. She’s his helper.

I was once with a friend who was having a disagreement with her husband. After going back and forth with raised voices, she suddenly blurted, “I am not your secretary. You do it!” The man said nothing. He soon walked away. Unfortunately, this couple’s marriage did not last.

As a woman, you were created to be your husband’s helper. Before you roll your eyes and think it’s beneath you, did you know that’s what God calls Himself? ‘Helper’ is one of the self-descriptors of the Holy Spirit.

  1. She respects him.

Ephesians 5:33, “Each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

A husband needs his wife’s respect. It impacts his ability to fully love. However, there are several ways wives can unintentionally show disrespect toward their husbands:

  • Our tone of voice
  • Bad mouthing him to our friends
  • Disagreeing with him publicly instead of privately
  • Nagging him for his quirks because we think they’re ridiculous

Respect is a big deal to men. Their need and desire for respect is bigger than for sex.

  1. She’s sensitive to his physical needs.

Need I say more? I’ll let scripture do the talking. 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive each other of sexual relations…”  For brevity, I’ve only included an excerpt from the passage, but please take time to read Chapter 7 in its entirety concerning intimacy. 

  1. She prays for him.

Prayer is a game-changer. Many years ago, I learned the value of keeping my mouth shut and going to my knees in prayer. God has moved mountains as a result. Two personal mountains God moved without me saying a word:

  • My husband came to saving faith in Jesus.
  • My family was attending a dead church that was not preaching the Bible. Needless to say, I was miserable every Sunday, and my husband knew I wasn’t happy. But I never said a word. I prayed instead. As I did, God moved and prompted my husband to suggest that we find a new church.

When I started practicing these principles within my own marriage in 2003, everything changed for the better. And even today as I choose to live out these roles, my home continues to have the aroma of a sweet perfume that only Jesus can bring.


Author: Tara