The Difference Thanksgiving Makes

A “thank you” video from Tara below

Writer:  Stacey Fjellman

Philippians 4:6-7
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
If you do this, you will experience God’s peace….
His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Most of us started feeling it this past week.

That familiar feeling of stress. Panic even, of all that’s getting ready to be put on our already full plate. You could start to sense it in the grocery stores.   AND in your personal calendar….

The Holidays!

The parties, the baking, the entertaining, the gathering of family, the traditions, the push to do something meaningful for others, the days packed with events that normally happen over the course of a week; these are all exciting and wonderful and good things.

Taken as a whole, add “holiday expectations” to the mix, it adds up to the undoing of even the most organized.  Maybe not on the outside; but there’s a sinking feeling that we’re not experiencing all He would have for us.

What if there was a way to really experience the peace and joy and fullness of the season?

We’ve heard “Be a Mary, even in a Martha world.” But how, practically do we do that?

I believe, based on what the Bible says, it starts with Thanksgiving.

Look for little the things.  The little things we can often take for granted.  And express thanksgiving to Him as we go about our daily tasks.  Thanksgiving is the catalyst that ushers in His peace…His joy…His presence.   This is the work of the Holy Spirit.  He gives meaning to the season, our lives, and every situation.

The season will have more meaning and less stress than ever before!

Thanksgiving Video from Tara

Author: Tara