Salve to a Hurting Soul

There’s something magical about the ONE WOMAN conference.
Dynamic speakers, inspiring messages and incredible worship.

Refusing to Let Insecurity Hold us Back! (Mark 8:14-21)
Building Character in the Secret Place (Proverbs 31)
Finding Rest when our Heart is Filled with Anxiety (John 14:27)
When Fashion Meets Faith

Don’t miss it! Get your tickets today!

1 John 3:1, How great is the love the Father has lavished on us…

by Melissa Bell, KGM Executive Director

What is it about those beloved Hallmark movies?  Snuggled up with a cup of tea and a cozy blanket, we can get lost in the world of love and romance for hours.  It’s silly because we know that each movie has a similar ending with the promise of happily-ever-after, sealed with a kiss.  How wonderful would it be to experience that kind of love story?

We all want to be loved unconditionally and accepted as we are, in spite of our past mistakes and failures.  Can you imagine receiving a love letter full of professions of your beauty and worth, detailing the answers for living a full and adventurous life?

Each of us has such a letter waiting to be opened.  It is written by a Suitor who loves us unconditionally, who sacrificed His only Son, Jesus, on our behalf.  Strong and mighty, He will come to our defense at the sound of His name. In fact, it’s the greatest love story of all time.

I haven’t always been an avid Bible reader; honestly, I thought the text was boring and out-dated.  But as they say, we’re all one phone call away from being on our knees. My crisis came a few years ago when one of my greatest fears became a reality, and nothing this world could offer would soothe my aching soul.  Desperate for a reprieve, I decided to give the Bible another try.

Through the encouragement of friends and guidance of bible studies, I began to decode the Bible’s beautiful love story.  I found mercy, forgiveness, and comfort within its pages. And though I still don’t have all the answers, I know the One who does.  With that realization, my friend comes a peace that surpasses all understanding.

I want to encourage you to open your Bible.  It’s where you will find truth and beauty; it’s where your true identity lies.  You and me…we are fearfully and wonderfully made…and uniquely designed to do great things. In God’s Word, we find balm to the aching soul.

If you’ve wondered how God feels about you when you blow it, then you’ll LOVE Debbie Wilson’s new Bible study!

In Little Faith, Big God, Debbie takes us on a journey through the stories of the faithful witnesses in Hebrews 11.  You’ll see ordinary men and women who failed many times, yet they kept getting back up again. They never gave up. They finished well and were commended by God.  Their stories will inspire you to persevere in your faith when life is hard. 

Debbie, one of our speakers at ONE WOMAN!  You will not want to miss it.



Author: Tara